Maintenance and support services

Subscription to maintenance and support services
Nevron maintenance and support services are provided in the scope of the flat-rate maintenance as well as per request maintenance. Maintenance packages normally include a combination of services that are paid annually (flat-rate maintenance) and services charged upon the request of the Client or Distributor.

Maintenance and support services under yearly flat-rate model (Nevron SW M&S) include:

  • Priority access to Nevron Help Desk.
  • Access to Nevron Alert Help Desk.
  • Troubleshooting by email, phone and remote access.
  • Access to updates and new generic software releases.
  • Return to Provider for all delivered hardware.
  • Unlimited technical support (number of technical contacts are not limited).
  • Basic technical consultancies.
  • Priority access to other Nevron services, charged per request.
Detailed descriptions of included services are described in chapters below.

Nevron SW M&S - maintenance and support services are charged annually, for one year in advance in an amount as defined in the Proposal.

Maintenance and support services that are charged at the time of Nevron IPTV System purchase expire 13 months after Goods delivery.

Maintenance and support services are extended each year without notice unless client gives written notice to the Provider at least 30 days prior to the date of maintenance and support expiration and renewal.
Per-request and additional services
All maintenance and support services, not part of the subscription to flat-rate model (Nevron SW M&S), as well as unjustified interventions, are charged separately.
Definition of maintenance and support services
Nevron Help Desk
Nevron d.o.o. (hereinafter referred to as the Supplier) provides in the scope of the company’s activity a help desk for technical assistance and the maintenance of IPTV systems.

Nevron Help Desk provides "2nd and 3rd level of support". 2nd level of support represents the availability of maintenance and support services to Client’s authorized persons, while 3rd level represent the availability of such services to Distributor’s authorized persons. The Client or Distributor are responsible for providing 1st level of support, namely a directly support for the IPTV system Users.

Flat-rate maintenance includes, inter alia, priority responses in a comparison to the regular services of Nevron Help Desk. Flat-rate maintenance also represents Nevron’s commitment to solve the case (problem) at its best and not to reject an individual request for support.

Nevron agrees with the Client or Distributor on how to address individual cases for every reported case (question, problem). Both parties shall do their best to resolve all reported cases remotely, also with the help of remote access.
Nevron Help Desk

Nevron Help Desk for technical support and IPTV system maintenance.

Opening hours: regular working days from 8am to 4 pm CET.
Problems covered: all priorities.

Phone: +386-(0)82-054284
E-Mail: support@nevron.eu
Online form: http://www.nevron.eu/support/iptv-technical-support

Nevron Alert Help Desk

Nevron Alert Help Desk for extended technical support and IPTV system maintenance. The service allows the Client or Distributor to contact with Nevron Help Desk experts on standby in cases when a problem with high urgency (Priority 1) occurs, even outside regular working hours.

Opening hours: During and outside regular working hours, weekends and holidays.
Problems covered: Priority 1

Phone: +386-(0)82-054284
E-Mail: alert@nevron.eu
Online form: http://www.nevron.eu/support/iptv-technical-support

Processing of problem requests
Upon receiving the case report, the Nevron Help Desk first makes sure that all the data are filled in the case report. The completeness and comprehensibility of a question or description of the problem is verified, the case level is set and the time when the case report was submitted is determined.

Then the Nevron Help Desk records the case report in the Nevron Tracking System, which automatically assignees a Tracking Number to the case. In addition to the problem description and information about the Client, the fault level and the time when the case report was submitted is also specified.

If Nevron Help Desk evaluates that the submitted case report is not complete and that additional data is needed, the Client or the Distributor is obliged to collect the data needed and send them to the Supplier. In such cases, response times extend for the time which the Client needs to provide complete data.

If the Nevron Help Desk evaluates that the error level does not correspond to the weight of problem, the level is adjusted in cooperation with the Client or Distributor. The Nevron Help Desk can change the problem level only with the consent of the Client or Distributors, or if the nature of the error does not evidently correspond with the assigned priority according to the priority definition.
Diagnostic and analysis of problems
Upon receiving the case report, the Nevron Help Desk analyses the case report and provides a solution within the time determined for setting up the system and also for solving the problem. During this process, the Client or Distributor does its best to provide the Nevron Help Desk with the data on the basis of which the cause of the problem is determined.

The Client or Distributor participates in the process by providing the Nevron Help Desk with the demanded data on the effects of measures implemented after the implementation of a temporary or final solution.

If the Nevron Help Desk experts cannot solve the problem and if the nature of the case permits, the Nevron Help Desk passes the individual components of the maintained IPTV system or equipment to the Manufacturer.
Troubleshooting by phone or / and through remote access
The Nevron Help Desk provides fast and efficient troubleshooting the Client of Distributor. This is ensured by the execution of intensive remote support by telephone or through remote access to the maintained IPTV systems in cases of more difficult problems. By providing remote support, response times can be very short and the majority of the cases are solved remotely. Thus, the Client or Distributor shall provide a remote access to the system to the Nevron Help Desk.

The Nevron Help Desk resolves cases in cooperation with the Client or Distributor by taking the following approximate procedure:

  • Verifying if the received case report is complete.
  • Analysing the problem and requesting additional information from the Client or Distributor if necessary.
  • Proposing the manner for solving the problem which may include additional research.
  • Informing the Client of Distributor about the state of solving the problem.
  • Implementing measures for getting the temporary or final solution of the problem, such as making corrections to the production (currently running) release of the IPTV system software or fixing the damaged part of the maintained IPTV equipment or ordering a new part. Measures are implemented by giving instructions and advice to the Client or Distributor by telephone or by performing actions through remote access to the IPTV system.
  • Verifying the implemented solution in the time period which is required according to the evaluation of the Nevron Help Desk and depends on the type and repeatability of the problem.
  • Concluding troubleshooting after successfully completing the verification tests.
  • Informing the Client or Distributor about the closure of the case. In Priority 1 cases, the Client shall be informed immediately after the conclusion of the case.

In cases of an emergency, a Client or Distributor has an uninterrupted access to the appropriate expert who can solve the problem within the defined deadlines. Most times, the support provided by telephone is sufficient.

Remote preventive diagnostics
In the scope of flat-rate maintenance, the Nevron Help Desk performs regular remote diagnostic checks of maintained IPTV system via remote access.

In case of suspected potential problems in the operation of a maintained IPTV system or suspicion of the possibility of damage to individual components of the system, the Nevron Help Desk notifies the Client or Distributor about their findings and suggests the implementation of preventive measures.

Sensible miner preventive measures can be performed by the Nevron Help Desk on its own initiative, if they improve the efficiency of the system functioning and reduce the possibility of problems in the functioning of the system, but at the same time do not represent any additional cost to the Client or Distributor and do not affect its work processes or interrupt the operation and use of the IPTV system.
Updating and upgrading software
The Nevron Help Desk may also provide software corrections, updates or upgrades, when they are available.

It is the Nevron IPTV software on both servers as well as clients (STB's). The software is updated manually through remote access.

FaSTBox firmware is updated automatically by using the FOTA (firmware over the air) protocol. It allows the transfer of corrections and / or improvements of existing production version or even upgrades of a new generic software release on the server, from where it is automatically transferred to the individual STB units. In this manner, the FOTA protocol allows an upgrade of several hundred STB units at a time.

Generic software release is a new software release on the basis of which no corrections or updates have not yet been released.

Production software release is currently installed and operational functioning software. This may be just the generic software release or even the generic release with updates and / or corrections.

Software correction is the correction made in order to solve a particular problem, caused by the malfunction of the software.

Software corrections are provided free of charge during the duration of the flat-rate maintenance contract as well as the duration of the time of warranty for the Nevron IPTV software.

Minor software upgrades are minor improvements made to the generic release of the Nevron IPTV software. Since, updates are not covered by the software warranty, the Client cannot access update packages without concluding a flat-rate maintenance contract for Nevron IPTV software.

In the scope of a flat-rate contract, the implementation of one (1) remote update during one calendar year, which includes all the update packages up to the date of the update implementation, is available to the Client or the Distributor. Additional updates can be performed by the Client or the Distributor himself, while the Nevron Help Desk consults on the process or carries out the update upon payment.

General software update is a new generic release of the Nevron IPTV software which includes new functionalities, increased performance and similar extensive improvements.
Access to corrections, updates and upgrades

During the duration of the flat-rate maintenance contract, the Client or Distributor has free access to all corrections, updates and new releases of the Nevron IPTV software, while the installation of software is charged as additional service.

The access to the Nevron IPTV software upgrades without the valid flat-rate maintenance contract is charged as defined in the following pricing model:  

  • 30 % of the current price of the Nevron IPTV software in one year following the expiry of the flat-rate maintenance contract or in two years from the purchase of software;
  • 70 % of the current price of the Nevron IPTV software in the second year following the expiry of the flat-rate maintenance contract or in the third year from the purchase of software;
  • 100 % of the current price of the Nevron IPTV software from the third year onwards following the expiry of the flat-rate maintenance contract or after the end of the third year from the purchase of the software.
Other provisions of software maintenance
Before installing any corrections, updates or upgrades, the new or updated software package is tested by Nevron in its development centre on a Nevron IPTV system model.

If the problem, connected to the maintained program code, does not affect the IPTV system functionality, but it represent the disadvantage, which can only be seen at the level of the interaction with the system, it can be solved only in the following generic release.

Nevron provides support for the maintained software as long as the difference between the generic release and the production release, sold by the manufacturer, is maximum two generic software releases.
Providing replacement equipment
To repair potential damage to the maintained hardware as quickly as possible, Nevron has at its disposal spare units for the equipment used in the maintained IPTV system. This allows for the fastest possible delivery and replacement of damaged equipment.

Nevron recommends that the Client or Distributor provides some of this equipment on site of the maintained IPTV system, since thus the damaged units can be replaced immediately and the problem can be solved quickly.
Repairing or replacing the maintained hardware
Nevron offers to the Client or Distributor the repair of maintained hardware that gets damaged during the validity of contract. During the time of warranty, hardware is repaired free of charge, but for repairs made after the expiration of warranty period, the Client or the Distributor is obliged to pay the cost of repair.

The Client or Distributer can deliver the damaged hardware in person or send it by post or courier services. The Client or Distributor may also choose to get the hardware repaired by the third-party provider.

The Nevron Help Desk takes the damaged hardware in for repair only if a duly completed technical report is enclosed to the hardware. Otherwise, Nevron calls upon the Client or Distributor to deliver the duly completed technical report. Response times begin to run after receiving the duly completed report.

After taking the damaged hardware in, the Nevron Help Desk inspects it and decides on the method of repair or on replacing the hardware. The Client or Distributor is previously informed about the possible cost that he is obliged to pay. The Client or Distributor has to confirm the repair costs or decide for another way to fix the problem. In case of refusal, Nevron is no longer responsible for solving this problem and can continue to solve it when the Client or the Distributor provides the replacement hardware.

Nevron has up to 45 calendar days to repair the damaged hardware and shall also provide hardware repairs for the duration of the flat-rate maintenance contract, if the equipment manufacturer still provides spare parts for the equipment to be repaired.
Technical support
Providing technical assistance under the flat-rate maintenance contract means mainly consulting on the use of the maintained IPTV equipment within the implemented IPTV system.

Technical support and consultancy are carried out solely remotely by telephone or through other electronic communication channels. When providing technical support over the telephone, the Supplier tries to provide answers even during the duration of the phone call, but otherwise no later than in the agreed response times.

Most questions, answers and advices are usually related to the use of maintained software, thus with this type of remote support, the Supplier, if necessary, connects remotely to the Client's software for the management and administration of the IPTV system.
Technical Consultancies
As part of its technical support Nevron provides consultancies on various aspects of its IPTV system. Consultancies can be provided regards to existing IPTV system expansions, optimizations or any other requirement around Nevron IPTV system.

Consultancies are provided on Client's requests. Basic consultancies are part of flat-rate maintenance model while more extend consultancies are subject of additional payment.
IPTV System Administration
Nevron provides the takeover of the whole IPTV system administration upon flat-fee payment model. System administration represents activities of any IPTV system components configuration. Activities are executed based on Nevron Client's request.

Configurations done by Nevron are executed remotely.

IPTV System Administration services are not in the scope of flat-rate maintenance and support services and are subject of additional payment.
New System Functionalities
Nevron is open to implement extra functionalities to its existing technologies. Based on Client's request Nevron estimates the urgency of new functionality integration and its feasibility. Nevron also decides whether the new function can be released with one of the next software update or within new generic release.

In most cases development of such special system functionalities are subject of additional payment.
Other provisions of maintenance and support services

For the maintenance to be carried out smoothly and for the troubleshooting to be as fast as possible, the Client or Distributor shall be actively involved in carrying out works. In accordance with this, the Client or Distributor commit to the following by concluding a flat-rate maintenance contract:

  • to maintain equipment in accordance with the instructions for technical maintenance;
  • to allow  the Nevron Help Desk experts to establish a VPN connection for remote access (technical support) with the maintained equipment;
  • to allow the Nevron Help Desk experts physical access to the equipment;
  • to notify Nevron one (1) month after signing flat-rate maintenance contract at the latest about the names of persons who will carry out daily maintenance on the facility as well as persons responsible for sending damaged equipment for repair and taking over the repaired equipment;
  • to take into account advices provided by Nevron;
  • to restart the system if such action is assessed as reasonable and necessary by the Nevron Help Desk and perform basic maintenance on site in accordance with the documentation on maintenance or other repairs before making a call in relation to any problem on the maintained equipment or IPTV system;
  • to isolate the error to a particular equipment (unit), which can be replaced on the spot, according to the instruction provided by the Nevron Help Desk;
  • to replace the damaged unit with a spare unit according to the instruction provided by the Nevron Help Desk;
  • to send the damaged unit for repair;
  • to analyse the problem according to the instruction provided by the Nevron Help Desk, which means gathering diagnostic data, helpful to the Nevron Help Desk when troubleshooting;
  • to report problems in accordance with the procedure for reporting problems;
  • to create and save valid configurations backup copies of software or maintained IPTV system as instructed by the Nevron Help Desk according to the instruction provided by the Nevron Help Desk.

Management or administration of IPTV system and multimedia content is not included in the flat-rate maintenance, but is an additional service that Nevron provides.