The largest segment of the intelligent industry TV is the private users. The interactive TV services for private users are in most cases provided by national or local IPTV operators such as telecom providers, cable service providers, ISP providers or OTT service providers.
The TV is once again becoming the central media device at home. With its large screen, the TV is an electronic device that has largely been forgotten due to the rapid proliferation of smartphones and other multifunctional electronic devices. But those days are over, as IPTV services are becoming one of the most important revenue channels for telecommunications operators, while manufacturers of TV are investing more and more resources in the development and sale of so-called networked TV devices.
Consumers can choose from a variety of smart TV providers with different business models. The IPTV industry is a very competitive market for providers of any type of IPTV product or service, especially in the residential segment. Consumers not only have a wider choice between different IPTV providers, but can also opt for a smart TV device with access to a range of OTT services that do not require a monthly subscription.
Flexibility is crucial for the success of an IPTV provider. In this turbulent and rapidly changing industry, IPTV providers need to be as flexible as possible to keep up with consumer demands. A business model that supports the constant and rapid change in technologies, required IPTV services and content is critical to the success of an IPTV provider.
The Nevron IPTV platform supports flexible business models. Developed by a single vendor, the IPTV platform offers a high level of flexibility, interoperability, deep control over the technology and support from a single source. All of this can be achieved by choosing the Nevron IPTV platform, which consists primarily of Nevron's own IPTV products.
The residential IPTV platform is suitable for all types and sizes of residential areas, from individual homes, small developments and urban areas to nationwide households.
There has to be a lot of added value for consumers to decide to actively use another interactive medium in addition to PC and the various mobile devices. With the largest screen available, it was only a matter of time before television also became a regularly used interactive device.
Television has survived various attempts to be thrown out of the house as a useless device. In the past, there were also many attempts to turn television into an interactive electronic device. These attempts usually failed due to immature technologies, lack of content or the wrong business models.
On the wave of the mobile revolution also appeared an intelligent TV. But the real breakthrough of television as an interactive medium has just begun. With the rapid spread of mobile devices, small, powerful, and inexpensive electronic devices appeared on the market that could also be used to watch television. In this way, the mobile revolution also enabled the transformation of the old television set into an interoperable and interactive device.
Television brings the whole family together again. Networked and equipped with the largest screens, TV is likely to remain the central device in the home for a long time to come. No longer limited to TV, the family can access on-demand movies and music, YouTube or other popular web services that until recently were unavailable on the TV screen. The availability of all these smart TV services on the TV has finally sparked the interest of family members to gather in one place again and spend time together.
IPTV operators, especially the largest cable and telecommunications companies, see great potential in providing interactive TV services. As revenues from telephone services are declining, these operators need to find another source of revenue, which they seem to have found in IPTV services.
There is great business potential for the provision of intelligent TV services. At the beginning of IPTV development, IPTV operators dominated local markets, but with the advent of OTT services, they are struggling to remain competitive or even survive. In adapting to the new market situation, IPTV operators need to be very careful in choosing the right business model and technology to meet consumer expectations and demands. Consumers can easily switch providers, opt for another provider or simply join some OTT services.